Welcome to the MVF sales platform. There are a few things we need you to provide us with before we can start sending you leads. We support a wide range of data systems and formats, including XML and JSON.
Setting up web-to-lead with custom fields
Whichever format you choose to use, we will need to know:
- The URL you want the leads sent to
- The fields you want to include for your leads and how you want them written, e.g. FirstName, first_name or FIRSTNAME
- Are there any rules about how data is presented, e.g. should a phone number contain only digits and no spaces? Is there a character length limit? or a specific format for the date perhaps?
- Do you require a security field to verify the lead – something to fill in to prove it has come from us?
- How would you like to confirm you have received the lead? What response can we expect?